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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mars and Venus

Once in a while, and it's not a rare occurence either, I see a woman who has been burnt by previous relations with men expressing her disdain for them in some form. I realize each time I see that, though, that it's only disdain for the past, not the present nor the future. However, it's a victimization response, and is telling of a passive-aggressive personality. That'll be explained in a few moments' notice, but in a sense, each woman pretty much asked for her bad experiences.

What a lot of inexperienced girls/women do not realize about the average man, is that they have hunter instincts. Men use them in order to secure a mate, or even simply a person they can lay every day or two. There's always exceptions to every rule, but the GENERAL rule is that they will use whatever bait tactics they can think of. Not all men know, but a handful do know that a lot of women, especially young adults and teenagers, are looking for the "Knight In Shining Armour" archetype. Well I have some advice to all female readers; anyone can pretend to be your "Knight In Shining Armour", it's not difficult at all, even I, a more honest guy than usual, can do it. The guys who have experience fulfilling, at least for a while, this fantastical hope that a handful of women have, they know how the process works to come off this way. It's simply a bait tactic, and it hardly reveals what the man is really like. It's sad that a lot of women, and young adults fall for it, but a lot of women do.

These kinds of guys put on a show; they act like they are noble heroes, make a girl feel like he can sweep her off her feet and make her life whole, and they pretend to know all about chivalry. Chivalry is dead, ladies, and you killed it (forwarding the wisdom of David Chappelle). You see, I can spot a faker a mile away, especially when they play the KISA routine, typically when a girl has a broken heart, or has recently had her heart broken. But it seems women can't. There are some strong women out there in this case, strong enough to resist the temptation brought on by the KISA who happens to come around, interested in what he may get from her in her time of emotional weakness, but not a whole lot (from my experiences, anyway) are strong enough it seems.

This past August, one Saturday night, I sat right next to a girl, whom I adored and cared for so much, when she was extremely vulnerable emotionally. Beautiful and intriguing as she was, I knew, at the time, that if I wished, I could have at least gotten close to seducing her. This is because the KISA player appeals to every "recovery" emotion a girl can feel at such times. Every man has that side of him that wishes to get laid no matter what the cost, but I was in control. Out of sheer respect and adoration for her, I resisted the temptuous situation, and the primal urge to satisfy myself, knowing that those minutes I spent with her that night are only dreamed of by sex-starved jackasses who, if kept in the cage for too long, could possibly commit rape. This is not what I wanted to do to her, given her and I have talked quite a bit about personal issues in the past, and I knew her inside and out. I can guarantee, though, that perhaps 7 or 8 out of ten guys in the same situation would have at least tried to take advantage of her, appealing to her emotions to make her feel like the hero she's waited for all her life is right there beside her, even though he actually intends to get laid. Sad but true. I'll have nothing to do with it, thank you very much. Onward, though...

Girls & women alike need to be careful about guys that play this game, because in many cases, this is exactly what KISA players do. Men who play this game tend to be vultures of sorts, looking for (emotionally) wounded "prey", or women metaphorically speaking; swooping in and doing what they have to do get what they want; in this case, sex. I know of a few girls who have been taken advantage this way, one of them even got burnt by "Knights In Shining Armour" multiple times! And after a female realizes she has gotten burnt by a guy who seemed so "nice" and "caring" and all, she feels embarrassed, naive, and stupid of herself. I can't really blame them, though, because emotions can be manipulated quite easily in some circumstances, especially if a person feeling such emotions has little experience in dealing with them. But I would never wish a girl to go through this kind of manipulation.

Then there are guys who are simply not fit for a mate, at least when they are seeking one at first. They are guys who are not all that respectful; they are the "bad boys", or so they pretend to be as well. I can also spot guys like these, but they are almost exclusively limited to high-testosterone rowdy male youth trying to get at least one girlfriend on their belt. If a guy really wants something, he'll do anything to get it, even pretend to be something they are not. It's another tactic of a man who is very much in touch with his hunter instincts to get some poon-tang, in a matter of speaking. Doesn't fool me, though. Not to mention, a lot of these guys hardly put effort into how they approach a girl they're attracted to. Some of them even act stupid. Stupidity is not a virtue, ladies! It's something that we need to weed out. Stupidity only thrives when you allow it to proliferate, like having stupid children with stupid men. This may seem as if it were a rant, but in actuality, it's purely that.

There's one thing in common with both of these archetypes of men who approach women; deceit. But the women who fall for them may not think so at first. They'll get drawn in to the false promises they are given by the guys who play these games, and I personally feel it's because they're not srong enough to realize otherwise. And this is why I agree with Dave Chappelle in that chivalry was killed, unfortunately, by women themselves. The average girl has lower standards than in the past. Men, including myself, need to truly demonstrate his capabilities, if he has any at least. He needs to prove himself. After all, you can't survive in nature without demonstrating your best abilities, right? I bet you a handful of these guys couldn't survive an hour in the wilderness, if dropped in one with nothing but his hands and feet and his brain. But it seems that the overall confidence that girls, I think, should feel in themselves, has diminished enough so that they don't truly believe in their own abilities. Let alone the overall ability to judge properly their surroundings or experiences. What happened to cause the general dwindling of these things for women, especially the current generation, and quite possibly the next generation? How many factors are at play here, picking apart at a girls' self-esteem and confidence, lowering her standards in the process?

There is a very close-minded view, somewhat made obscure & subtle over time, to the point of subliminal messaging, that women can only prove themselves if they are with a guy. This is not true, because it doesn't encourage women in any way that they should do what every single person in this world should do for themselves; gather their independence. Every girl, and I mean every one, should be encouraged to feel security in themselves. This is the only way you can truly know what you want out of life, let alone in a man. When you don't have the independence you so sorely need to get the most out of life, how can you have anything figured out? You haven't truly been tested by the challenges of life if you haven't gained independence. and I feel there are things in our culture, and even in the way people raise their children, that are causing the loss of confidence that is necessary to gain self-security, or independence. I can't name them all, but the idea that women are not truly women until they get together with men and stay with them, is definitely one of them. It's not a healthy attitude to have, at all, especially since it doesn't encourage strength in character.

I personally want all women to have strength in themselves. Only then, will they hold men to the fire, and only then will the truly fit survive once again. Men who are not truly worthy of women, need to be shot down. It's a necessary character builder, that if not accepted by the one who is shot down, shows whether or not a man is, at least at his time of life, is fit for a mate. This needs to happen more. It's kind of why I am with George Carlin in his views against the self-esteem movement, where people teach their children that they are all special; that they are all winners. You have to prove yourself. And men need to prove themselves to women. Pretty much every other animal in the animal kingdom does this, why can't we? It makes sense, after all.

So, ladies, there's no need to complain just because you got yourself hooked up with an inexperienced jackass who didn't deserve you in the first place. We're not all the same. Some of us do give a shit about how we approach you, and we do give a shit about how we run our own lives. We're just not the ones who will do anything to attract you. We're much more subtle than the pretenders, and that is your hint at finding the real men. Don't lump us all in the same boat; you just didn't look in the right direction. Learn from your mistakes, and get yourself some standards