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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Back and not wearing Black

I have returned to Moncton.

Well, I have been here for a couple of weeks now, almost, so it's actually been a while since I came back. However, that doesn't explain why I haven't been on the internet for the 12 days I have been here. I didn't have internet until today, basically. Such an unfortunate thing had, until today, been taking a toll on my sanity like living in Woodstock was. Here, however, I just had no way of talking to anybody without having to go to a pay phone, the closest of which is a few blocks away. I didn't mention that I had no phone either. I pretty much got all of my services: phone, internet, and digital TV in a package. You save money that way. Sometimes you sacrifice something to do that, but if you have to take the affordable approach, you should stick to a package plan.

I am not working yet. It would be hard to knowing that my services wouldn't get hooked up until today. My mother told me that I could have asked if it could be set up sooner, but I neither thought of that before nor do I think it would be reasonable for the company; Rogers. But that's fine now. It would have definitely helped to try and get the services hooked up sooner than today in terms of getting employment, but no one is able to change time these days in their favor, so it can't be changed. I have 18 days until the month ends, but I am hoping to get a job this week or early the next, or else if I get a job after that, I may make a very small amount of money.

That makes room for the domicile I live in. My stepdad John helped me get this place I live in by talking to a good friend and colleague about my situation. This same colleague, one Bob Carter, said that I could move in and have the place the same day, as most other places would need a day or two's notice, and my roommate-to-be will not have payed until a couple days later. Oh, on top of the roommate thing, he hasn't fucking moved in yet. It's ridiculous at how long he's held it off. He also owes money, and since it is a VERY reasonable amount that will leave him with well over a hundred dollars judging by his WEEKLY paycheck, he has no excuse to complain.

So there are two issues at hand now. One is that I need employment. Moncton is loaded with employment opportunities; that's something Woodstock had none of, or else the town had a pretty sloppy job market (I would like to say the former), I mean, if you can't even fucking work at Wal-Mart, you've got a problem there, mate! The other is the thing with my roommate. He hasn't even moved in yet, and he hasn't payed his part. It's the middle of the month, and all of the days he has taken off from work, he's done nothing to bring himself here. I am starting to think that either he isn't serious about this whole thing, or else he's a very unreliable roommate. I'm probably better off without him but I must wait this off only a while longer. I gave him a deadline to comply by, and if he doesn't, then the deal's off. I don't know what will happen after that, and I can probably expect a lot to happen. I am hoping that it works out.

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