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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Update from the Bear

Winter time is fast approaching, if it isn't here already. Lots of things happened in the last couple of months, and only a small portion of them are overtly positive.

On the first of November, I began life on my own. Mentally, it was not hard to cope with, at all mind you. The reason being for this is perhaps because I was quite willing to get myself out of Woodstock, and I will admit it for all of my life, that I do not regret that choice. It was not a bad choice at all, I must say, despite the hardships I've gone through in the last couple of months, especially this month. More on that below.

My roommate moved in a week prior to December. It took him that damn long enough to move in, eh? He had a job, too, but he had too many excuses up his sleeve to do anything about it until the day finally moved in. So far, he hasn't payed much on his part, not much at all. He gave me $100 the second week that he lived here, but I had to use it on food, getting around town on the bus, job interviews, etc. However, my roommate (whom I shall designate henceforth as "Mr. X") has a handful of quirks that I can't a degree. For one, he's a party animal. It's all he does it seems. This one quirk leads on to one that's more serious. He allows people to stay here after a party. Because of this, he's allowed another person to live here, but that doesn't include this person's friend temporarily crashing at the place. Temporary my ass, she's been living here since the beginning of the month, for free mind you. He had to violate my trust by allowing them to do so without consulting me first, which is a big mistake on his part because I am the 'boss' of the place, I pay most or all of the bills, and I didn't want a bunch of people living here. He's no right to do such things.

One thing that has ticked me off about my roommate is that he's become increasingly lazy over time, he could even be at his peak laziness now, mind you. He has only worked twice since he's lived here, and because of his neglect to show up to work, he got fired. He hasn't done much of any job searching, from what I could tell. More or less, he's been sitting on the couch all day, or playing on my computer when I'm not around or when he asks. I think the next time that I go to work (oh, I should have said earlier that I got a job. Job sucks, mind you :P), I will unplug my computer so that he can't use it, and bring the power cord with me :). Seriously, this is how irritated I am getting to this point. He's lucky that it is the time of holidays, because if it wasn't, then I would have had him leave a week ago.

So about all he does each and every day is stay home, sit on the couch, get drunk or eat the shittiest food that you can buy (or both), play games or watch drab television, and once in a while, he throws parties that really aren't parties, and more like a gathering of drunken/stoned (often both) retards who talk about the most boring shit my artificial ears have ever heard. Not to mention, they dirty up the house all the damn time, there's always something broken it seems, and they leave lights on (thus bringing up my electricity bill). To ice the cake, they complain about me requesting them to clean up their fucking mess before I go to work for 8 to 10 hours. Talk about being childish.

The two people that are living off of my bills for free (at the moment, this will change very soon) don't do much of anything themselves. In fact, I don't remember the last time they've gone outside for anything other than getting craptacular food from the new Sobey's. One of them is supposed to land a job so as to return to her home, but she hasn't done almost any of that to the best of my knowledge. In fact, just thinking about that, I am considering telling her to apply at a McDonald's, seeing as she's a high-school dropout and is lucky to get any job at all with that unfortunate development on her profile. The other one is also a high-school dropout, for perhaps better reasons (although there are hardly any competent reasons to fucking quit school, truthfully), but she hasn't applied at many more places as the last one. While she does help clean up around the house, and paid for those few weeks where she's lived under my roof, it isn't quite enough to remedy the fact that she's just as big a slob as the rest of them. She hardly cleans, to be honest, and even when she cleans, all of my roommate's friends, including her, dirty them up only hours after they're cleaned (I've seen these dishes after she's "cleaned" them, and her clean-job is pretty mediocre at best). I clean up as often as I can, seeing as I am busying myself these days, but I can't do it all. When I get home from work, and see a rat's nest like what the place is now, I get a bit upset. I'm doing all I can to snap them out of their lazy stupor, but they're so childish as to avoid taking any relative ounce of responsibility.

This will change though. I plan on giving him the metaphorical boot next month, because I am getting tired of him and his friends' shenanigans. At this rate, we're no better than bums, although I am the only one who is doing something to rid ourselves of that label. As time goes on though, I am only considering worrying about myself, because I am quite sure that my roommate will be out of here, for good and without any negotiation, sometime next month. He seems to forget that we have such a forgiving, patient, and astoundingly polite landlord, too. I had to put my dignity and outward compassion on the line for my roommate when dealing with our landlord, so it was indeed an uncomfortable thing to do. In fact, if we didn't have the landlord we have now, neither of us would be living here. I wouldn't be writing this at this very moment. This is how good he and I have this, but he does little or nothing to show a bit of appreciation for it. So, consequences will be made. He shouldn't require a wakeup call to get his ass back in gear.

However, I will have the house to myself over the holidays, so I am at least thankful for the holidays for that reason. Hopefully they actually clean up, rather than doing something half-assed about their blatant mess. My parents are coming down in a couple of days, so it's the least that my lazy prick of a roommate can do, seeing as he does nothing otherwise.

GB out.

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