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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Life is Selfishness

"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength — life itself is will to power. Nothing else matters." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Every single thing we do is an extension of our selfishness, our will to survive and to gain. To survive is to gain, you must gain whatever you, the individual, feels is necessary. In our "moral" society, instead of primitive means of exerting our strength onto others and our environment (such as violence), we use what Neitzsche calls disguised forms of exerting our power. Altruism and sympathy are just two examples of our exertion manifestation in our "morally correct" society. Each one of these traits is really one's means of gaining praise or whatever other positive results for its ultimate benefit; because a being cannot benefit when its environment or its peers work against it's potential to gain.

We are completely incapable of practicing ideas that actually contradict selfishness, such as de facto Communism, Altruism, and other similar ideas. For a society to truly work as a communist governing system, each and every individual would need to put the needs and health of its peers above its own completely. Altruism is similar, but it is not an idea centered around governance; rather, it is one's apparent actions that benefit the needs and health of others at the behest of the "altruistic" individual. Alas, these are inalienably impossible ideas to make concrete in human affairs; we are truly selfish beings, out for our own needs before any others' needs. We share this with all other living organisms on the planet.

Hence, reproduction is another exertion of our selfishness. Selfishness is the will to survive, for if one is not selfish, they cannot see to it to survive another day. The mother's will to protect her young, for instance, is an exertion of their power; for her young is the receiving end of the exertion of her strength, and her young perpetuates the cycle of selfishness to which they contributed. Religious systems are also an extension of our will to power, as for one example with regards to religion, an individual or camaraderie of individuals exert their power over those who they control.

This logic stands firm, and provides a stark look at rebellion, or insurrection as it is properly termed, as even this collective action on part of at least one individual being is not immune to the cold truth of the cycle of life. It is in essence a means for at least one individual's quest to exert his or her strength over others for it's own gain. This is evident in the result of the French Revolution, where after the most powerful individual in France was relinquished of its strength, other individuals simply took on the power that was previously held and frowned upon by the collective peers of the country.

However, one cannot gain from exertion of power if they do not hold the positive reactions of their peers and/or the proper adaptation to its organic environment; as factors from either of these umbrella groups of factors can work against the individual's ultimate need for the assurance of it's own survival. In summary, each and every being must do everything it can for the sake of its own survival, as that is the most important protocol that runs in every single organism that has ever lived, and will ever live, in nature.

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