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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Google Is Now Doing Evil

The "Googizon" deal that was just recently achieved is only an achievement for them, the moneymakers in this case. Google makes a lot of money annually, as well as Verizon, but does that give them a right to control traffic based on what they believe makes them money? No. They're the transmitters of the internet, not the content providers. This deal basically pushes the prioritization of content that suits their interests, whether a provider pays Googizon the money to earn the heightened bandwidth throttling, or a provider espouses ideals that are for the same interests that Googizon yearns for.

It is pretty clear now that Google, and Verizon especially, are only interested in the bottom line - money. But at what expense, Google? And by the way, this will only work for them in the short-term, because the improvisations they come up with to control traffic will be offset just like TV was for the longest time, with theft being a huge factor in television providers controlling the prices for abiding consumers. They're only going to shoot themselves in the foot in the long run, as the Internet Service Provider(ISP)s which, at least for a while, look out for the interests of the consumer because CUSTOMER KNOWS BEST AFTER ALL, and thus earn more income from interested clients. Competition is good in any case, but actively working against network neutrality undermines competition, which works against the consumers who want what the competition offers. Apologies for the run-on sentence previously.

Not to mention, on Google's twitter (more like 'twatter') profile, they said, last week, that they were not in talks with Verizon for this deal. So they either outright lied about it, or perhaps there was a huge amount of pressure from Verizon for Google to go with the deal (which means that Google is desperate, maybe?), perhaps showing that there's more companies out there who have bad intentions in mind than we consumers are generally aware of. Network Neutrality, a big issue going on for the LITTLE GUYS of the developed and digitally connected world, is in jeopardy because of these two giants and their dealings. Think about it, you want to visit, which sometimes espouses ideals that are not in favor of giant corporations seeking COMPLETE control of their markets (like any tyrannical government would), then Googizon would slow down the aforementioned website. Fox News (Faux Noise, more like it) would get priority throttling because they are not only in favor of giant corporations, but they are pretty much owned by corporate interests as well. Sounds good? For them, yes (at least in the short-term); for you and I, this is detrimental.

So many people are running businesses on the internet, often failing to meet a profit margin, but they still make necessary money for people. If network neutrality is undermined any further, one of the only bastions of freedom of speech and of societal empowerment (for EVERYONE with internet) will become gang territories of sorts, with the Internet Service Providers being the gang leaders. Segregation and sheer control of interests will ensue, and people will have to watch their step.

Thank you, Google. No really, thanks for showing everyone who looked at you as an objective, supportive internet entity that you are just like all of the bullies of the corporate world; greedy as can get. As a Blogger user, I'm not sure if I will remain here because of this development. Verizon has little or no cred. up here, but that doesn't mean I'm still not going against my interests by giving Google the propping up that my traffic brings to them. I'll consider deleting my account, but until then I need to figure out how I will carry out my (non-detrimental) interests elsewhere.

Peace to you all, and I hope you do what's right. Stick up for the interests of the consumer, for the internet is PUBLIC domain and not PRIVATE.

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