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Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Self-Annointed Intellectual and the Bread Recipe

TheAmazingAtheist, whom I've critiqued before on this blog, is the target of this post. This will be pretty concise and it might garner a few laughs. For clarification purposes, this man romances himself as an intellectual above the typical man, which is his form of misanthropy (which is arguably the most recurrent type of misanthropy out there; so much for being distinct on his part). Yet his own stupidity is particularly hilarious because he displays 1) the inability to learn from and recognize his mistakes and 2) the unfamiliarity with age-old & very common practices, such as what I'm going to talk about in brief next.

He doesn't know how bread is made. Un-fucking-believable...

TJ, as he's usually called in his social circles, once said in a video, "You mix wheat & water..." Is this guy serious or just fucking stupid? I'm not angry with this, I'm just frustrated. How can someone who so brazenly and repeatedly claims intellectual superiority over most of his fellow men & women be completely unaware of one of the oldest recipes of man's creation? And since he's admitted more than once that he spends a lot of time on the internet, in which there are literally countless recipes for countless types of bread to be found, how is he, at 27 years, still ignorant of even the most basic bread recipe? When he admitted this I began contemplating that the man is an irredeemable retard in denial. No offense to those who are retarded through no will of their own. Such people are above this cretin.

Here's a brief history for you, TJ: the oldest known bread was a flat-bread, made by collecting plants and pounding the grains, forming a shape, and cooking it over a fire. This specimen was dated to be as old as 30,000 years. Yeah, you read it right. It was a flat-bread that was not even complex whatsoever. It makes you think why anyone who makes any kind of living today even bother to buy bread from supermarkets, given how simple and cheap it is to make your own loaf of fabulous and fresh bread.

This idiot is known to have dropped out of high-school because he "was sick of all the bullshit." That's just a cop-out from a coward who prefers things to be handed to him on a silver platter; an excuse to avoid the responsibilities that life always demands of Earth's denizens. You see, if you stayed in high school, you could have taken culinary class. In that class you learn how to cook mostly basic recipes, usually some kind of baked food. You get accustomed to the entire process; preparation, cooking, serving, and clean-up. It's one of few classes in high school that is mostly devoid of bullshit that most educational institutions put you through, like when they discourage creativity and going above & beyond the process.

Anyway, you don't simply mix wheat and water, idiot. Wheat is a plant that you find in fields, farmed or otherwise. You can't make bread with wheat, you have to extract ingredients from wheat instead. And for many bread recipes, you need yeast. It's your choice if you want gluten for consistency, but most avoid it entirely because of the unnecessary added fat from that ingredient. If you care about your body even a little bit, you won't use the bleached, nutritionally-void white flour, either. Use the real stuff and work with whole-wheat flour. Add oats and whole grains as well for added nutritional value as well as flavour, because it's fucking easy to do so. Mix, knead, let it sit for the bread to rise (air pockets form after all, and it helps give the bread form & shape), and then bake. You have, as mentioned, countless sources of information available with just a few clicks and key presses. So TJ, you have no excuse to be this blatantly ignorant.

I guess you're just too stupid and hopelessly lazy to care.

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