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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Upcoming post in regards to Glen James

If you have heard of Mr. James' act of kindness, considering how vulnerable he is in society (he's been homeless since 2005), then you'll know what I'll be writing about. Frankly, it'll be nothing you haven't heard from anywhere or anyone else, but instead I wrote it as I am inspired by what he did. You have to admit that many people, the average person walking and breathing (perhaps you, reader, but that's not for here or now), would probably have taken that money so effortlessly. He didn't, and that's all that needs to be said of the matter.

I'll publish it tomorrow when I get off of work, provided it is published by then given that it is the weekend. Barring its publishing tomorrow, I'll post a link as soon as I can.

Oh and please go here if you want to reward Glen James for what he did: Boston Homeless Man Reward by Ethan Whittington

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