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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Happy 20th Birthday DOOM!

Doom turned 20 years old today, and this post is to celebrate that milestone. This series remains one of my favourite, from all the way back to the time of its release. No other FPS game, for me at least, has hit the same notes as Doom still does to this day. It's simple but complex; at times scary but most of the time downright thrilling; has a simple but awesome array of weaponry; you travel through Hell; has a fantastic, very active, and most of all astonishingly creative modding community; and it's what a game needs to be: fun.

Here are a select few pictures to celebrate. And if you don't have this game, then why not? It's cheap, easy to attain, and the array of mods is so large and fantastic that you may just find what you're looking for if you just care to find it.

File:Doom II - Hell on Earth Coverart.png 


Thanks to for this one.

Thanks to for this one.

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