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Monday, January 2, 2012

The Foundation of Fury

(placeholder text)

“I would see the world purged of life if it meant my daughter’s safety.”
Do not bring pain to those whom a man holds closest to his heart; for you will know the wrath of a world in him if you do.

1)       The Pride and Joy
2)       The Broken Lock
3)       The Deathly Scream
4)       The Trail of Blood
5)       The War Cry
6)       The Embodiment**
7)       The Demon’s Card*
8)       The Pace of Vengeance
9)       The Snarling Wolf**
10)   The Wicked Roots Wither
11)   The Sorrow it Wrought***
12)   The Cry for Help
13)   The Sworn Oath
14)   The Act of Vengeance
15)   The Heel of a Titan
16)   The Fading Flame
17)   The Slowdown
18)   The Long Walk Home
19)   The Grateful
20)   The Would Be****

The protagonist is so far unnamed.
The antagonist, or antagonists rather, are named: Alistair, Hector, and Gillean. They are all blood-brothers. Alistair is the oldest, and is the schemer, the leader of the brothers. Hector is the middle-brother, he tends to get most of the action done, and fears little. Lastly, Gillean is the youngest and most mentally unhinged, easily manipulated into doing even the most heinous things by his elder brothers. They are all bloodthirsty, crafty, dangerous brothers. And yes, they are Scottish. Now you have another reason to want them all dead!

Kidding...of course.

But they will know pain, for they have crossed the protagonist in the worst way imaginable.

* Newly added. Desired chapter will involve a dog, bred to kill, being used to impede or even destroy the protagonist.
** Swapped with 'The Embodiment' because of pacing and story-placement issues.
*** Newly added. After a new development in his quest to rescue his daughter single-handedly, he begins to despair at his more extreme actions.
**** Newly added. This will be the true ending, an unconventional one at that.

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